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Angre Petro Ivoire, Cocody- Abidjan - Ivory Coast.

Phone:- +225-0748487619

  • Our Aim is help you grow and become Financially Independent

  • We give best investment solutions for your peace of mind

  • We have multiple joining packages for your convenience


With our core team comprising of Professionals who are in the Investment Industry for more than a decade, We’re reimagining the power of investing and connecting people for a better world. We believe that if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything. Strong ideals make strong businesses. Our practices and commitments have been purposefully outlined. Effective leadership is the key to ensuring we stay aligned with our strategy and values. Our framework, structure, governing boards and committees keep us on track.



YUCO International offers individuals around the world a complete range of tailored advice and investment services. Our spectrum ranges from investment management to estate planning and corporate finance advice, in addition to specific wealth management products and services. We help our clients with timely, integrated analysis of markets and economies


From complex wealth management to your retirement needs, we can help you with financial planning. We provide scalable investment products for all individuals. Our thorough planning offers you the freedom to preserve and manage wealth so you can pursue yours and your family’s dreams with complete freedom.


We deliver active investment strategies across public and private markets and custom solutions to institutional and individual investors. We provide comprehensive financial solutions for all, combining personalized advice with modern technology. We provide foster innovative solutions and provide actionable insights for investment management.


Days of Experience


Trusted Clients Globally


Clients Rewarded

We Bring New Hope in Your Forgotten Dreams

All of us have Dreams which we had to forget about or give it less priority for various reasons. We help you revive your Forgotten Dreams by helping you achieve Financial Freedom and Peace of Mind. Our Business offers you ways to invest and earn which no other business in the world does. Don’t miss out on this lucrative, once in a lifetime opportunity to finally buy your dream house or take your entire family to an international vacation or start the new business you always wanted to. Dreams do come true once you Act on taking steps in the right direction. Join Us Today.

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